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Re: Please Read

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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 20 y
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Re: Please Read

Many people today are making positive changes in their lives, taking personal responsibility
in restoring body balance and finding the keys to restoring good health. Life-changing stories
are centered around removing chemicals from the home while getting excess acids out of the body.

Chemical-free living involves several unique objectives. First, it's imperative to identify common
household products that may frequently expose our children and families to chemicals, and then
replace those products with all-natural products. Chemicals and persistent toxicants can accumulate
inside our bodies if the liver doesn't break them down. They can store in our body's fat cells or
damage our delicate cells' lipid membranes. We know that frequent or long-term exposure to
chemicals can damage our DNA or other cell components.

Second, removing excess acids from the body can largely impact health in profound ways.
This starts by determining our body's pH using a simple and cost-effective test that anyone
can do in their home. It quickly tells you about a common health threat known as metabolic
acidosis. Dozens of diseases have a hidden link to excessive acids in the body, contributing
to poor circulation, chronic pain and fatigue. Each of our body fluids has a pH, which stands
for "potential for Hydrogen." Although the blood has a narrow pH range and strives for a consistent,
normal level of 7.46, the saliva and urine may test in acidic ranges below the normal pH values of
6.3 to 6.7. A urine pH below 6.0 indicates toxicity in the body, while an acidic saliva test may
indicate that emotional stress is a factor in the healing process.

To determine consistent pH levels, test samples of your saliva and urine seven days in a row
after fasting daily for 12 hours and before eating or drinking anything. If your pH approaches
the acidic side of the pH color-coded barometer when comparing your pH test strip to the
normal ranges of 6.3 to 6.7, that indicates metabolic acidosis. For example, a pH of 6.0 is 10
times more acidic than a 7.0, known as pH neutral. When severe health complaints persist,
it may be due to the body being up to 100 times more acidic than normal if the pH is 5.0,
for example. When our pH is too acidic, the body's oxygen level is sub-optimal as well.

Dozens of health conditions, including asthma, chronic tiredness, depression, Acne and
allergies, are present due to an acidic environment in the terrain and can be improved or
eliminated by modulating the pH back to the proper range of 6.3 to 6.7. Even serious health
conditions such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and certain mental health conditions are
linked to extremely acidic levels below 5.0. One major point in understanding pH is that
most diseases have an infection component, including virus, bacteria, fungi or parasitic
activity, which are pathogens that thrive in a very low oxygen or acidic environment.
One key to reducing micro-organism overload is to cleanse the blood, improve oxygen
in the body and modulate pH.

It's imperative that we allow our main organs to detoxify and cleanse daily. Recognizing
that all pain in the body is a detoxification reaction, many chronic health issues or acute
diseases result from congestion or toxicity of our cleansing organs. These vital detoxification
systems include the colon, kidneys and bladder, liver, lungs, and the skin. The organs of
elimination benefit from a reduced chemical burden to the body. Benefits at the cellular
level are noted which are likely to result in more energy and vitality for improved energetic
body balance.

"The quality products from URI International provide a beneficial solution to safeguard our
homes using all-natural products while cleansing our bodies for optimal health and wellness.



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