20 y
Re: crazy colonic
There are several possibilities for what you experienced...I have seen this many times before. You may have had a reaction from low blood
Sugar if you had not eaten in a may have experienced an electrolyte imbalance if you have a particularly low mineral may have stirred up a lot of toxicity...or you may have had waste continuing to make its way through your colon, but yet to be expelled. Since your
colonic only lasted 22 minutes and it took you a while to start releasing, and because you are still bet is that you only just started to release waste material during the
colonic and there's plenty more coming!
Most people...including many colon hydrotherapists...greatly underestimate the quantity of material that is contained within the colon. If a
colonic triggers peristalsis, but does not continue long enough to expel most or all of the contents of the can end up feeling pretty crummy while it's traveling through the pipes until it finally releases. If your last release still contained any solid waste then you've got a long way to go...the material that comes from the cecum (beginning of the colon) is liquid. It is always easier to release it during the colonic than stop in the time try to stick it out so that you don't experience extended discomfort.
Also make sure that your electrolytes don't get out of wack by making sure you have a good supply of minerals including trace minerals, and don't go too long without eating...although it is best not to eat for a couple of hours before a colonic. And between now and your next colonic...make sure to drink lots and lots of water! The better hydrated you are the quicker and easier you will release during the colonic.