Re: enamel
Dear Sara,
+ select the crystal that has the quality you need at the time
+ after 30 days you'll reassess so you can't plan the entire sequence: you need get direction from the tooth
+ the program finishes when there's no pain or problem
+ do (a), (b), and (c) on consecutive days (about 5 days)
+ then let each one pass 30 days, i.e, on day 31 you start (a) again, on day 32 you start (b) again, and on day 35 you start (c) again
+ select another crystal or use the same one again for (a)
+ consult the internet or your local healing store for cyrstals
+ the second time increase the load of (b) and (c) as written in previous post
+ this program is designed to be gentle since you have your family and other commitments to integrate with
+ cut out red meat for now until teeth are better or until you quit this method
+ cut out chocolate for now and have fruit instead until your teeth are better
+ your health decisions are your own, not mine, but you posted on curezone for a cure....
Kind wishes,
Sebastian Reed