Re: enamel
Dear Sara,
+ combo crystal, yoga, and chinese traditional medicine for this tooth and its condition
+ this program below requires the synergy of the (a), (b), and (c) parts
+ either component alone can cause congestion without the others so please do all components or none at all
+ do (a) first, then (b), then (c)
+ max one component on any day
+ lower jaw, 3rd from back is related to lungs and arms
(a) intention
+ select from the following crystals:
+ selenite to remove metals from bones
+ purple fluorite to increase production of tooth repair hormones
+ blue fluorite to strengthen enamel
+ green fluorite to purify blood
+ blue calcite to aid calcium absorption in teeth
+ green calcite to aid calcium transport in blood
+ hematite to fight infection
+ sit in a warm quiet place and relax
+ bring awareness to the tooth
+ massage the jaw with a circular motion until warm
+ bring awareness to the tooth
+ with a cloth between fingers and crystal, hold the crystal against the skin on the warm area
+ bring awareness to the tooth
+ remove crystal when warmth either fades or becomes hot
+ bring awareness to the tooth
+ equate tooth to whole body
+ think of hands, tooth, feet, tooth, wrists, tooth, ankles, tooth, elbows, tooth, knees, tooth, shoulders, tooth, hips, tooth, spine, tooth, skull, tooth
+ make no other effort for 30 days then select another crystal or the same one and repeat the meditation
(b) exercise
+ create a yoga routine which includes the following stages: warming, centring, lung toning, calming
+ create the routine first
+ do the routine 3 consecutive days without any strain
+ wait 30 days, then do it 3 consecutive days again, each pose more accurately, mild strain
+ wait 30 days, then do it 3 consecutive days again, each pose more accurately, more effort
+ 30 day periods are healing time, don't exercise
(c) suppplementation
+ calcium phosphate tablets, 1 a day, chewed, after eating and before brushing
+ chinese whole body tonic combo or lung tonic combo from chinese medicine shop
+ use 1 packet of herbs, wait 30 days, then go again with same amount or 2 packets
+ you decide if you believe
+ I don't know your lifestyle
+ if you smoke a cigarette pack a day then this won't help
+ make gentle changes to your diet (you decide) to improve it but no big changes
Kind wishes,
Sebastian Reed