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take up thy bed and walk... but first do a liver a liver flush...
drofinnah Views: 2,192
Published: 20 y
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take up thy bed and walk... but first do a liver a liver flush...

i started Liver Flushing because someone said it could help heal psorisis... and when i first started the flushes i was absolutely amazed at the results... but then due to circumstances (had to go out of town on extended business)... and couldn't find time for myself... a period of about 8 months elapsed before i returned home and started the flushes again... but what you were saying about diet is absolutely true also... you would be surprised at how many carcinogens are in the foods we get off the shelf from the local grocery... all these things one needs to be aware of... read the blog by "miss libby"... so... it is all pertinent... and it is all up to you to take care of yourself... no one else can do it for you... the answers are here if you are willing to do the research...

there was a time when i couldn't bare to be outside very long... or i would turn cherry red and felt as if i were burning up... anyhow... my point is that there is steps you can take to help your skin to heal... if the liver is toxic the skin will definitely show effects... but i would be willing to bet that if you were to do an entire body cleanse your skin would return to a youthful healthy state again...

one other thing that you said that i picked up on was the "gloom and doom" that we are all going to die anyway... and you know what... the latest scientific evidence proves you to be correct... the latest tests show that over a given period of time 10 out of 10 people die... lol... ;-)

no one has managed to make it out this world alive yet... but maybe you could possibly be the first... lol... ;-)

there is a world of things you can do to help yourself... so get off your duff and go to work... "physician heal thyself"... because here on curezone we write our own prescriptions... (no drugs mind you... but rather educating instead of medicating)...
and those of us that are smart enough to read and evaluate what we have read... have a much better chance than the people that don't have access to curezone of returning to a relatively healthy state of life... a way of life that we all enjoyed before big corporate business' became more concerned with the shelf life of their products than they were for the welfare of the poor unwary consumers...

i am living proof that Liver Flushing helps the skin... yet i've never gone any further than that... there is no way of telling how much more i could help myself if were to do a kidney flush... or colonics... afterall... the kidneys... the bowels... the liver... these are the primary organs of the body that can and will have devastating effect on all the other organs if they are unhealthy...

besides... suicide is a very permanent fix for what could prove to be a very temporary problem... so cut out that kind of negative thinking... and only allow yourself to think good healthy positive thoughts... because it sounds like you are allowing your mind to control "YOU" and your thoughts... rather than "YOU" controlling your mind... for in truth the mind is only a tool to be used by "YOU"... it should never be allowed to run free and control "YOUR LIFE"... so see... you do have contol of your destiny...
lol... ;-)

it is difficult to be a beuatiful loving person when you are in pain...
so... take care my new found british friend from london...
and one day soon... you too... may be able to say...
"it is a wonderful day in the neighborhood"...



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