Re: Seeking Vit C Advice - Sodium Ascorbate for a person with severe hypertension???
Hi, Owen,
Many thanks for your response. We have read the information on your site and found it to be very helpful, and we are looking forward to your suggested readings. Thank you for all your recommendations. Of all the advice you provided, interestingly, getting Fred to consume 4 liters of distilled water per day will prove to be the most difficult.
I do still have one important question: I have searched CZ, as well as the Internet, specifically concerning whether or not a hypertensive person can take sodium ascorbate in large doses without experiencing ill effects from the amount of ingested sodium. I have had no success. Do you have any information or a reference to a source addressing this specific issue?
Also, how do you prepare and eat seaweed? Fred is interested in adding it to his diet, and I thought I would present the question to you since it is part of your regime.
With much appreciation and kind regards,
Yes, I probably did overwhelm the potential audience with information; however, my intent was to avoid such responses as “you haven’t provided enough info…,” “I don’t know what his (fill in the blank)…,” and to prevent the cycle of questions that start with “well, what is his…” or “what is he doing for…” in the attempt to get to a final recommendation. I am also of the mindset that a relatively complete ‘story’ (or history) is a requirement for any sound advice, but I obviously didn’t reach the happy balance. My apology to those who may have experienced info overload. =)