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Re: Thank You Owen
Owen Views: 2,033
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 375,031

Re: Thank You Owen

Dear 21676,

No, I don't worry about mercury in sardines. I have
three reasons.

First, the Crown Prince sardines that I like are caught
off the coast of Norway. That's one of the cleaner
stretches of ocean on our planet.

Second, sardines are low on the food chain. It's the
big fish like Tuna and Salmon that bio-accumulate
lots of mercury. And so do the scavengers like shrimp
and clams. I should add that I haven't eaten any fish
in 3 months. I may not go back to it. We shall see...

Third, I eat a variety of foods and supplements that
chelate (flush) heavy metals from my body. Every
morning, I eat a spoonful of cilantro pesto. It's
very good at chelating mercury. I also eat a half-
dozen seaweeds, all of which chelate heavy metals.
I eat several superfoods, which contain chlorella,
another good chelating agent. And I eat home-grown
mung bean sprouts, which are excellent at removing
lead from human bodies. I had my Amalgam fillings
removed four summers ago.

Try the Crown Prince sardines. I think you'll be
surprised at how good they taste.




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