What are you worried about Cholesterol levels for? I suggest you look at the real information on Cholesterol and don't be scared by mythical trickery from the Medical Establishment. Cholesterol is very important and as long as its not oxidised it won't harm you one bit, but it will help you so much. To stop oxidisation of Cholesterol, free radical scavengers (others call them anti-oxidants) should be used via food or supplementation or both. I strongly suggest Vitamin C as you do along with Vitamin E mixed Tocopherols and Tocotrenials if you can afford or find them. Its not just about liver flushes, its everything which needs drastic cleaning and diet changing. Have you sorted your intake of pure water yet? Have you stopped drinking deadly diaretics like Tea, Coffee, Alcohol? Address your water according the Dr.Fereydoon Batmanghelidj and start taking Himalayan Salts. Scan Amazon for some of the real books on Cholesterol. I forget the names but theres one which blows the lid off this medical scam. Take more olive Oils, coconut oils, flaxseed oil, borage oil etc all the ones they claimed were bad and aren't but totally the opposite.