I don't know if you are lucky or not to have no sex drive, but I do have and I find this lack of sex very distressing. If you had read my message properly you would have seen that I have been without a sex life for two years now. My guy has not had another outbreak he just doesn't want to have sex for whatever reason, I think it is due to the herpes diagnoses.
Sex is not just about reproduction, it is about a special closeness between two people and has nothing to do with age. My own parents are in their 70's and still enjoy a sex life. I understand that you come from a different culture to myself, I believe that you are Chinese from what I have read. Sex has been proven to have health benefits too in recent years, both physically and mentally. I know that when I have regular sex life I certainly feel better, healthier and happier.
You may not know but Christopher Reeves widow passed on herself recently. Though I understand the point you were making ... though how do you know that she didn't miss the sex.