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Re: How do I get my sex life back
speechlessly50 Views: 4,518
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Re: How do I get my sex life back

In the marriage vow, for better or for worse, in sickness and health, in prosperity or poor, till death do us apart, I learned that we have to accept changes in health crisis. So the package you have is after you met this guy, he found out he has Herpes and is not interest in sex; you have to stand from his shoes. Maybe he was having so much itch, uncomfortness that even a touch makes him not comfortable----just wait till he intiate.

I had no sex life for one and a half year due to Herpes, and I am so surprised that I don't even think about it nor want to spank the monkey. I never want to touch myself below. Think about late Christopher Reeve's wife, after the fall from the horse, does she has any sex life from Christopher Reeve? Also, maybe your man knew he is having outbreak, mild or severe from any part of the body, so he does not want to have sex. It normally takes 1 week to 2 week for a sore to heal completely, if he has another mild outbreak on top of the healed one, I don't blame him for trying to protect you and not want to have sex.

What are you going to do if one party does not want to have sex? Actually, a lot of Chinese women I knew, ask the husband to stop having sex with them after middle ages. They insisted on the husband to wear a condom for they finally find out a lot of STD's, be it as mild as yeast infection, clamydia is from unclean hands of husband or private part of the husband. They even commend that Mrs. So & So is so lucky that her husband refrain from sex at her request after 50's, so I don't know if you are lucky or not. I overheard my own mother if scold my father one time that May's husband does not touch her anymore, why do you still want to have sex? : )


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