19 y
Re: Is there a website for dating someone impotent or who wants a sexless relationship?
i assume that you have aids tests regularly?
it totally sucks that it is attacking you like this. doctors are crap. they all treated me and looked at me like herpes was the worst thing in the world.
thankfully i am not having any issues at all from it.i chose not to believe in thier negativity.
have you checked out the full cleanse protocol on this site? i wonder if that would help you.
do you do anything to manage stress?
how long have you had this?
all the religion stuff on sex was actually created as social control. dont believe that at all. thats what makes me so mad about religion. it could be this great and awesome thing. but man has to put his finger in it and screw it all up.
im totally sending positive healing vibes your way. i will meditate on this every night this week.
btw your doctor wears a mask so he doesnt breath germs into your open sores. saliva doesnt transfer the virus. only skin to skin contact.