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Re: Hi Back Cherri
WhiteIris Views: 5,671
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 370,328

Re: Hi Back Cherri

Hi Black Cherri,

Yes starving all day and eating at night is a wicked cycle. it just becomes habit after a while and well, it does not help lose weight either.

The remedies you do not recognize are HOMEOPATHICS, these are vibrational remedies that come in little tablets in your health store. They should only cost about 6$. The Lycopodium and Nux Vomica will help.

Agrimony is the flower essence given for over eating or any self destructive habit. It helps to conquer the habit and break the cycle.

I would try and see what woorks for you.

Chromium GTF may also help you crave less sweets, or a good colloidal mineral formula. Usually loss of minerals make us crave sweets like chromium and vanadium. OR when we are just unhappy we crave sweets and fat to release serotonin. HTP-5 is a serotonin precursor that helps to move the bowels properly and regulate cravings.

Try to take a good multi vitamin, I did not many years ago and my hair started to fall out. So I suggest Nature's Source liquid multi. Vitamins are necessary co factors for your organs to function and communicate properly and lose weight if need be.

If your bowel movements are not regular that can effect your enteric hormones and give you cravings too. YOu may want to take fiber for extra bulk since you are not eating too much.

Don't buy all this in one day, it would be expensive. Make a list and gradually over the weeks buy what you can.

I think it will end these problems and help you lose weight too.

I know it is a difficult and stressful time. You will overcome this!!

Many Blessings to you,


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