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Re: Thanks so much!
2dreem Views: 1,653
Published: 19 y
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Re: Thanks so much!

Is always so nice to hear someone who has gotten well.

My thyroid and body has to have been unhealthy from birth. My mother tells me that when I was born I had tiny little legs and a very big belly. I came out really small but she says that as soon as I started eating I just blew up. I ate the same as all my other sibling(at the time a mostly vegan diet, my mom was on natural hygeine)but I was the only one who got fat and bloated.

I've never had mercury fillings. Just goes to show how much mercury you can get from what what you injest and your enviroment alone.

It's always been very hard for me to lose weight. I was diagnosed as hypo by a naturopath but I didn't take the armour he prescribed. I would rather heal it naturally then just provide a crutch.

Even after months on a raw diet I haven't lost an ounce. The only way I've been able to lose weight is by going on fasts. So I've been gradually reducing my weight by fasting on apples for a few weekds every few months and now only have about 20 pounds to lose until I'm at my ideal weight.

It's very frustrating and I'd really like to heal my thyroid so that I'll able to lose weight naturally without going on a fast. I also realize that the liver is also a part of this and I am liver flushing. Of course being on insulin for diabetes doesn't help this either. Anyways, cleansing is my main focus right now and I'm hoping it has a beneficial effect on my thyroid.

Heavy metals I know is a big problem for me. I can't wait to see what will happen once my body is cleaner!



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