Ahh, the Boggy Creek Monster, its been years since I've heard from him. My sister tried to find his whereabouts years ago with no luck. I'm in the mountains in the Northwest corner of the state. We deal with boogers and haints back here in the hills; plus the giant corporate monsters of Walmart and Tysons that have raped our beautiful land and changed our rural culture. Ol' Hairy Boggy might feel at home here.
I must have already put my weary head on the bed last night when the ruckus occurred. I had no idea anything was amiss. Still, if the person who got axed was the one I am thinking about, he was asking for trouble. Sadly, some posters are like parasites, they suck the energy out of people and give little or nothing in return. I would rather see an good honest debate any day than a childish barrage of name calling and personal attacks. A debate can challenge us to examine and prove our own viewpoints, engaging in name calling and insults just lowers us to the parasite level.