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HOPINSO, you are valuable
Corey Views: 2,947
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 365,084

HOPINSO, you are valuable

I do not get to read everything on CZ but I have seen some of the stalker you talk about. To me the stalker has a problem. Even in my circle of friends and aquaintences I know several that cannot seem to enjoy anything and cannot stand to see anyone else enjoy something. Your stalker seems to have that problem. I have read a lot of your posts and they are most helpful. I responded this time because the help was not subtle. Hopefully you can ignore the nay-sayers. As much as I try to spread joy and helpfulness, I am admonished by someone here and there. I have studied Stuart Wilde's teachings some and he says "Whether you like me or not is none of my business. It is my business if I like you. I cannot change or control you, but I can change or control me." Wises words to me.

I hope you will keep doing like you have been doing. I am sure there are others that have been helped from something you posted and they have not responded. I know there are lots of things I learned here and have not taken the time to thank the poster. Hang in there!! You are too valuable here to let the idiots scare you off. We have already lost too many good and valuable people here at CZ just in the 3 years or so that I have been here. There are a few that I miss a great deal.



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