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Seeing the Light
Savagegrace Views: 7,417
Published: 19 y
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Seeing the Light

Can anyone shed light on this subject? chirontherainbowbridge

Oh, you are punny!

The information in Owen and Andreas posts are excellent.

Some extra info for you:

I used Bates to correct an eye at -110. Anyone below forty would most likely not have a problem. After that age other factors may play a part in the ability to go back to normal eyesight without glasses.

Bates, a non sad diet and the suggested suppliments (and cleansing) and I would say you have a 85% chance of success. Add eyewash that also has Cayanne Pepper in it and the odds I would take to 95%.

Warning! Eyes can be stable, you will destablize them using Bates. (If you've had the same eye perscription for several years, your eyes are stable) If you keep having to change to stronger perscription, the eyes are unstable, for those, Bates can stabilize the eyes so this won't occure anymore. (Yes, for some people this would be acceptable, Bates takes time)

Sunglasses can weaken the eyes and reshape the corena leading to or starting you on the slippery slope of needing glasses. Unless you're in snow, the desert or on the ocean (and maybe around high noon for some, limit from 10 to 2 pm) do not ware sunglasses.

Ok, let me make it clear, if you're sensitive to sunlight, if you have night blindness, you need to rethink what your lifestyle is like.

Sun-gazing for healthy people can eliminate sensitivity to sunlight.

It seems like yet another of these endless contradictions: sun does damage; sun is a great healer. Would one have to acclimatise the body while it's still fairly young, in order that the UV would not behave this way? chirontherainbowbridge

You can acclimate the body to a certain extent (tanning), but not the eyes for UV damage. People got damage from cheap sunglasses before the required protective UV film was required. Sunglasses allowed the pupil to dilate allowing more harmful UV into the eye.

Your question is a context thing. Too much Sun (or the wrong times or places) = damage. Not enough = unhealthy for most. Yep, it's a balance.



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