yes, i was going to say the same thing about juicing. get yourself a good juicer and do some short juice fasts. you realy can't go wrong with a juice fast. the juice is absolutely yummy, and has all the nutrients you need. if you visit the juice fasting forum on curezone you can get som emore info. many on that forum do marathon fasts, but don't worry about that.
start out with a one or two day fast and go from there. a good beginning juice is carrot/apple/lemon. thats my old standby and i still love it even tho is have been juicing it for years. also be sure to make at least some green juice, add some apple to sweeten it up. i get a lot of juice from this red tinged lettuce i get fresh from the farmers market.
fresh juice is a whole other animal than that store bought junk. incorporating it into your life will do you more good than you can imagine.