Clean up the diet first. Then try cleanses that use good herbs (bowel, parasite, kidney). It may be harsh, but doing a Liver Flush to make sure your liver is eliminating toxins efficiently and that it's parasite-free would be a good idea.
I never had acne, but had always had AT LEAST one BIG ugly pimple of PUSS somewhere on my face. I did two fasts and now eat raw vegan and eliminated any excess toxins I was putting in my body. Might be extreme for some, but pimples are now a worry of my distant past. I don't even use those facial cleansers that everyone thinks you NEED to have clear skin-so not true! My toiletries are at such a bare minimum you'd think I was an old man (very low maintenance) when other women my age have to bring half their bathroom with them to go away for a few days. Okay, I think I'll stop here. Hope that helps :)