Re: In need of some help ... (don't know whats wrong)
Good Morning Pete...My goodness, you do have a lot going on. But it's not as hard
to fix as you think. You've even run through the solution to most of your problems two times on your post...and I guess you didn't even realize it.
When you have again and let us know what a typical day of eating for you
is like. For instance, what do you have for breakfast, lunch, supper and between
meal snacks? Do you ever drink water...or is it always colas and or alcohol, etc?
Below...I've copied a section of your post...look what you said about feeling
'almost normal again, after 2 months'.
"At the end of 2 months I felt almost normal again, however as it was around xmas, I quickly lapsed straight into a bad diet and plenty of alcohol. Not quite sure when but the brain fog soon came back. From memory there were improvements with my sinus aswell."
The above shows you that your diet is your main culprit...and then another place in
your post you said..."To be honest, I just feel better if I don't eat."
So many of the foods you list will promote brain fog big time. And you can have
a hypoglycemic drop within minutes of eating the wrong doesn't take 3 or 4
hours as you've been told. A lot of the foods you mention are 'mucous forming' foods...and they will cause your sinuses to act up...and give you tremendous pressure around your eyes.
What so many people do...and my husband and I have done the same thing over the years...but most people love eating...and they 'live to eat'. Our health turned
around when we started 'eating to live'. Now, we're 60 years old and can work
circles around most people your age. Our feet hit the floor before daylight and
we usually don't stop until about 7pm...and we're still so full of energy we have
to do what we call...'wind down'. :-)
I also have problems with brain fog and hypoglycemia...BIG TIME! And I also do
much better on NO FOOD! If I were to eat a 'normal' breakfast this morning...I
may as well say goodbye to what I have planned for today...because my day would
be shot...exhaustion...weakness...brain fog. It's just not worth it...there are
too many fun and productive moments that would be stolen from my day today if I
started my day by eating the wrong foods.
You will need very few.. if any supplements to turn your health around. You can do
it mainly with diet. A good 2 or 3 day fast would probably be good...and maybe
a good colon cleanse...but you can do that with foods and juices, also.
I'm rarely on here these days...we're swamped with eldercare (elderly parent)...and
working our little farm. But if you don't get the help you feel you need from me and I'll help you. If you don't email...I'm so swamped and rushed
these days, I'll probably forget to check back.
But you can do this, Pete...and you don't need a naturopath...or anyone else. You
just have to want your health back bad enough to work a little for it. And before
you eat that big fat hamburger with that big fat bun and all the
additives to boot..
just stop and think..."Do I want energy and sharp thinking"...or do I want a
hamburger? :-)
There are foods that will make your body thrive...and there are foods that will
blow the 'end of workday whistle'...and shut your body and mind down for the rest of the day. You just have to learn which is which.
And that doesn't mean that you can't have any of the foods you really love ever just means that you need to heal your body first...and then make them
a treat instead of your daily intake.
If you don't get answers from others that really help you...I'm opening my email...
and you can email me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll even give
you specific foods, etc that will 'give you energy' instead of take it away.
If you do email...send me info on what a typical day of eating for you is
I stated above. Good can do this...and it won't be nearly as hard as
you think. kathryn