I dont know about the mold. I do know hubby is allergic to peanuts. Im sure it is a mold issue. Our house is only 6 years old and we have no reason to think there is mold in there. We built it. Now we both work at the same place. Plumbing company. THey have toxic fumes coming from the wharehouse off and on. Could be that?
As for me? I have had troubles with my ear since I was 9 years old, I am 36 now. I was told to put silly puddy in it when I swam so I wouldnt keep getting "swimmers ear". I dont think I got all the puddy out. hhhmmmm.
Have you heard of EPT? It is MUCH like EFT but in my opinion it works better. I have done that about 15 times maybe. I agree it is wonderful. I havent been in months but Im going this week. WOOHOO!!! She is an expert kinesiologist. I also find it interesting you mention my purpose in life. I am in transition right now in life and nowhere to go per se. Stuck. Dont dislike my job, but not fullfilled by it. So Im praying about that one ALOT !
Thanks for you help