Re: ear infection ?
Ok Katie...I haven't been on here much the last few I'm not sure what
folks have said on curezone. I've always heard that if you feel a 'cold' or cold
like 'bug' coming on...that if you'll use the will go right away.
But that it should not be put in your ears if you suspect an ear infection. Why
don't you post to Owen...he knows almost EVERYTHING...REALLY! :-) He should
be able to set us both straight.
Sorry if I confused you...and on the ear candles...the first time we used
took doing 3 or 4 candles each evening for a feel like we got all the wax
out...and then of starts collecting again, fairly quickly. But if he
can just get 'unplugged'...he'd feel better. Maybe Owen will notice this post and
help us both to know the right answer. kathryn