Hi kathryn101, I wanted to let you know that I was also unsure about herbs but I have read so many positive things from Dr. Shultz and also Dr. Christoper when he was around that I thought I would give it a try. I'm not giving her much and it is very mild and so far seems to be helping quite a bit. She is a very cheerful and open child and she is usually the one that is sticking up for the smaller ones in her class when they are bullied. She's a spunky one. :) I do actually ask her alot how things are going at school and she is very open about things so I don't believe it's anything with that...she enjoys school and is always either humming or singing. I do believe that the enzymes that I have been giving her is starting to make a difference. And she has always loved fruit and such as her favorite snacks and I am getting her more of a variety to give her also. Thanks for your advice, it made me think of all the things that that I need to be careful about. I am very protective so those are some of the first things I usually think about and my kids know they can always come to me and they always have so far. Now I'm praying that will be the case when they hit their teens! LOL