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Need advice, Please!
stillhopin Views: 1,711
Published: 19 y

Need advice, Please!

Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice about my child. I'm at my wits end and I need help. My daughter is 7 years old and for the last several weeks she has been complaining of an upset stomach, like she could throw up (but never did throw up). It hasn't been constant but happens periodically during the day, at school sometimes and then she'll be fine and then it will happen again at home. She has kept up a really good appetite though throughout. Until this week she had I guess the "24 hour flu" she threw up a few times and had diareah once and then got really constipated, also the following night she had a low fever and her tonsils looked irritated so I gave her col. silver to gargle and she hasn't had a fever since. I gave her a low dose of herbal laxative like Dr. Christopers and she had a bm after that. I want to really get her going regularly because she has trouble going every day despite eating a lot of fruits and things like carrots. Now after she had started getting her appetite back and feeling a lot better from the "flu" she got nauseated again tonight and threw up. I'm worried about this and I really need advice! Thanks in advance..

Edited to add: I just thought of this so I thought I should mention it. Because of earaches and sore throat I have been periodically giving my daughter Colloidal Silver . Die-off symptoms maybe? I don't know but she hasn't taken it constantly or anything. Also she has had an infection problem (down there) because the Dr. thought of bad cleansing after bowel movements. They took a urine test and everything was ok with that so it was a surface type bacterial thing that they wanted me to use an anti-bacterial-fungal creme on. It has never completely gone away though. I've been trying to teach her better technique for cleaning after she goes to the bathroom and she's not having as much problems with that lately. Just thought I should add that bit of info.


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