Re: Need advice, Please!
Sigh, in this world of natural healing the quackery, misinformation (and greed from the herbal industry) abounds. This is why sites like "The Doctor Within" are such a ray of light through the clouds of all things "fringe" and/or "greed".
You are MORE than welcome; it's a jungle out there! lol I will be more than happy to be of assistance whenever I have the time and/or knowledge to offer. PLEASE don't hesitate to post and ask; I'm truly honored to be blessed with the knowledge I possess...and I'm thrilled that a few keystrokes and minutes can have a positive effect on the life of someone "across the miles of technology".
Here's The Mission Statement from 'The Doctor Within'(if you haven't already read it) basically says it all!
Blessings always,
M i s s i o n
S t a t e m e n t
Today the field of alternative medicine is like a wild jungle, full of unsubstantiated claims, junk science, and marketing hype.
This website is dedicated to providing referenced, scientific data on a variety of holistic and alternative medicine topics, focusing on universal principles, sound physiology, and the undiluted healing powers of the body itself.
Healers of the past have already solved most health problems of today. Unfortunately, most of their work died with them. Their voices have been muted by the din of a thousand self-proclaimed experts and Magic Bullet salesmen. This website seeks to draw from the forgotten wisdom of the past, and to honor its simplicity.
Despite what you may hear, our health is deteriorating year by year. The rates of all degenerative diseases in this country are increasing. We have more asthma, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, arthritis, allergies, digestive disorders, and obesity than ever before in history. At the same time we spend more and more money each year for "Health Care." We have more doctors and more drugs than any civilization in history. But it's not working.
What's not working is the underlying idea. If doctors and drugs could give us better health, we'd already be better. That is why the field of holistic and alternative medicine is growing so fast - it's survival.
The healthiest people in human history were groups who were geographically isolated from "civilization." These people had no specialists, no HMOs, no prescription drugs, and no immense hospitals. They were never subverted with the idea that the responsibility for their own health lay outside themselves. Except in the cases of traumatic injury, for most of their lives they looked to the body's inner wisdom, and trusted only that. And it worked - they had beautiful teeth, strong bones, and very little degenerative disease.
Today it's almost as though our ancestors are trying to speak to us. The searching, jumbled mess we find in the field of today's Alternative Medicine has a real, valid, vital, underlying power source: the impulse to give the body time to heal itself, to let it try and put the steps of the healing process together all by itself, without potent, unproven interventions - in short, to listen first to
t h e d o c t o r w i t h i n