Re: Owen....
Dear Kay,
Thanks for all the kind words and TLC you
send my way. Yes, I'm glad to be back. I
hope the Dark Clouds stay away from CZ
in the foreeeable future.
I think you received good advice from Hopinso and Alikat. Sounds to me like a mini-stroke.
The problem is that your mother-in-law has
stonewalled any alternative health solutions.
I know -- and have known -- lots of people
exactly like that. They opted for cutting,
burning, poisoning, and drugging, and most
of them are dead or dying.
It used to bother me, Kay, but I no longer
let it get to me. You can open doors for
people, but you CANNOT make them walk through those doors. Each of us has his own karma,
his own life-story. I don't mean to be cruel,
but it sounds like your mother-in-law, paranoid and depressed, is going to go downhill in a hurry. Pray that God takes
her quickly and painlessly; a good prayer
for all of us to say for ourselves and others.
If she were open to health foods, I would
strongly recommend seaweed and virgin coconut
oil. Many cases of low body temp have been
cured quickly with those two foods. Seaweeds,
like dulse flakes, wakame, kombu kelp, nori,and agar-agar, contain all of the nutrients that your blood needs to remain
normal and healthy. Healthy blood means healthy glands, especially the thyroid. You
can buy packets of seaweeds at your local
health food store for less than $5.00 a packet.I eat seaweeed EVERY day. And I also
drink an ounce of virgin coconut oil. It's
wonderful for your thyroid gland, as well as
many other organs.
You're in a very tough situation, Kay; you
and Billy. I hope it resolves itself in a way
that isn't overly stressful for both of you.
I send you healing energy every evening, and
I'll include your mother-in-law tonight.
Love & Blessings,