Gads Owen...it is SO good to see you back!!! We're having a fairly big problem with Billy's mom that I'd like to ask you about. And instead of emailing you
personally, I thought I would ask it here in case anyone else is having a similar
Billy's mom turned 76 last June 11th...until that time, she was in such good health.
Always on the go...very active, happy, even hyper. But she says she woke up in the
night on June 9th about 1a.m. with horrible trembling...she called us..we took her
to the ER...and of course they found nothing and put her on nerve medicine. Said
it was 'her age'...and this was common in people her age.
She has just been a nervous wreck ever since...it's a night mare just trying to get
her to get out of the house. She doesn't want to do her own grocery shopping...she
doesn't want to go out and eat...go for a drive with us...nothing. She sits with
the tv off...will not read...if you ask her what she wants to do...she says, 'nothing I can think of...nothing interests me'. How sad!!! She just sits
in her rocker and wrings her hands...or gets up and walks the floor...to nowhere.
She does keep an immaculate house...always has...but it has always been extremely
neat and clean...so one hour a day maximum and she's done with anything she needs
to do. Billy's dad passed away 25 years ago of a massive heart attack...and she's
lived alone all these years. Billy was an only child...so we see to her daily.
I kept thinking maybe it was her thyroid...because she says she is always cold.
So last week, after begging and begging...I was able to get her to let me take her
temp...it was 1p.m. and her temperature was 96.7 by mouth.
We go back Thursday for a check up....bloodwork, etc...but her bloodwork is always
perfect...right smack dab in the middle of all the ranges.
She is on Xanax 3 times a day and Xyprexa..1/2 twice a day...which really is a drug for schizophrenics...but without them...she is just literally BONKERS...shakes so
hard you just absolutely cannot hold her still...
She will not listen AT ALL about healthy foods...eats like a bird...is normal weight
for her height. She drank diet coke for years...I did finally get her off of that...but she won't change her diet at all...and feels sorry for Billy because he
is given 'carrot' juice daily. She knows we eat a lot of raw foods, and do a lot
juicing now...so she is always saying.."What did you fix that was GOOD to eat
today?" Wanting to know for Billy, of course...because she feels I'm starving him.
We've always had a fantastic relationship...but she is not happy at all with my
hobby of studying about healing the body naturally. She says "What do you think
DOCTORS are for? Do you REALLY think you know more than they do?" :-)
She has no interests or hobbies...and is alone most of every day. So do you have
any 'thoughts'? We feel it's mainly because she IS alone so much...but she won't
get out. She even has another widowed friend who is always trying to get her to
go shopping or go eat...but she rarely will.
Her personality has changed drastically. Just very somber...negative...stubborn.
What are your thoughts on what could cause a very nervous...almost paranoid condition..besides low thyroid? We have asked the doctor if she could have had
a mild stroke...and he said..."Well, that's possible, I guess." :-/
No rush to respond...I know you're busy.
It is REALLY good to have you back...and it's so nice to run down the list of
active forums and not 'sense' trouble lurking in some of them. I am once again...
very proud of curezone!!! kathryn
ps. I'll email soon..I've been swamped with this huge picture collage...it has been
overwhelming...and going very slow. :-)
I spent about 7 hours on it just yesterday alone. SOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're back, Owen, REALLY!!!