Microwave restructures molecules
Microwaves are very dangerous period.
But esp if looking at it from a food /water heater...
if restructures molecules, so they are no longer recognized
by your body as food.
Tests done on cats, sad to say,
showed a group of cats feed great food only microwaved,
continued to *look* healthy,
but when their cell structures were looked at,
they all showed a starved system.
In spite of looking healthy ,
all these cats died within about 6 months.
I would assume it would have a similar effect on your water,
and could lead to a dehydrated body...
and added toxins buildup.
The microwaves btw don't just affect you from food intake,
but where they *leak* they attach to your counters,
foods items surrounding them etc.
It really does not take that long to boil water.
Water that is boiled is oxygenated and ionised.
this is incredibly healthful to your body...
and also the warm/ heated water is good for kidneys and liver.
I make up a potful of tea every morning,
then I drink that for 1st half of day ,
then I make another pot for 2nd half of day.
This gives me either ionised fresh hot oxygenated tea,
or as it *cools* I still am drinking room temp tea,
so much better for kidneys/liver.
consider putting that microwave where it belongs/
in the trash...
don't give it away even to destroy someone else.
Hope this helps.
Ami Joi Benton
Curezone Team Forum