Re: Distilled water is pure and clean. It is NOT poison.
What benefits can be derived from distilled water except for the few daily cleanses perscribed by some physicians as a way of ridding the body of disease? What possible good can come from something that has nothing to offer to the body? Water placed on this earth came to man with all the natural occuring elements through the distillation of the earth, where minute particles were absorbed into the final, drinkable water. Created water in this manner is to nourish our body, man created all the chemicals that we try to eliminate not recognizing the damage along the way.
Each persons constitution is unique and you are luckly that you are able to cleanse at a slow rate that feels comfortable with your particular life style. Unfortunately my wife is 'full steam ahead' when she decides to pursue something and she possibly got hurt by her direction, without looking deeper into the matter. As I said in my previous message, she had gone through the changes and also lost her mother, her sole parent. Many drastic events were acting upon her body all at the same time.
We are now trying to find someway to repair damage done to the many body systems and are hopeful, there are no permanent damages.