Recognizing your inner child
What an excellent idea for a forum!
Since 1984, my best, most fun, and most effective experiences have centered on the inner child, parent, and the adult I am becoming.
At first, it was a picture of myself at age 16 that spurred a loss of 65
pounds in about 7 months. I figured that every cell in my body knew what it took to be 16 years old. I was 46 at the time, and I decided that I wasn't going to ACT like a sixteen year-old, just be as healthy as one.
It worked, along with throwing out white flour and
White Sugar , but now I need to renew the memory!
The second experience was in recognizing which of the three inner people were predominating at any particular moment. Out of that came an opportunity to comfort the unhappy child. (I wrote about that here...
// )
The sub-conscious doesn't care WHO does the comforting, just that it gets done!
I'm convinced that it's the WORDS and the INTENTION that does the job, not any 'drama' or 'ceremony'. And, that the child is completely comforted on every subject, even though the incident triggering the action is about only one subject. Possibly it's the fact that one remembers that comforting of the unhappy child IS possible.
The next Aha! moment came when reading the book "Wishcraft". You can read it for yourself, for free, at
That realization/recognition sustains me yet, and surely will for the rest of my life.
All told, I think that the concept of the 'inner child', the remembered 'parent', and the 'inner adult' one is becoming, is simply a way to identify feelings, and deal with them. However, one's most important feelings lie in the same place!
Everything you love, the things you do best, your gifts, await in the innocence of your 'inner child'.
I can't think of anything MORE important to know...except one thing. That it's best to have a team to help find and fulfill the things you love.
A team can listen for that softening of the voice when you discover what you were meant to do; a team can brainstorm ways to get your loves into your everyday life; and a team won't let you fail, just as you won't let them fail. Six heads are always better than one.
Thanks for this forum!