Re: All The Different Kinds Of C
Hi Hopinso!
Much depends on your point of view and who you beleive! But like Linus Pauling says 'a molecule is a molecule'and the body does not distiguish between the two! Hypoascorbemia (subclinical scurvy or scurvy) is inherent in humans and we must find an outside source!
Now you can try to eat fruits and vegetables that are supposedly high in vita C ,but as we all know the mineral and vitamin content of the foods grown in this country have less then half of these substances then they did 30 years ago!
I myself never take it in pill or capsule form or do I take pure ascobic acid unless you take it with alkalizing minerals! Ester C and EmergenC are expensive pill forms of this so I find them of no use, but many manufacture a powder form of mineralized ascorbic acid at a much better price and the powders or crystals allows for the higher effective dosages to be utilized!
I use a product that contains calcium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate and zinc ascorbate its a fine inexpensive product that cost only 16 dollars for more then a months supply depending on how you are using it!It is sold by the 'life extention foundation' but you must be a member to recieve it at these prices.