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Re: Scientology and Kevin
Kevin Trudeau has looked into Scientology as a self-help avenue and gone through the procedure of Dianetics and Scientology auditing. He says it helps eliminate psychosomatic illness, traumas, and emotional issues. I would be willing to try the procedures without getting involved in debatable philosophies, just as Kevin has done.
I saw an L. Ron Hubbard book, "Clear Body, Clear Mind" in a used bookstore and looked through it. It is a way of flushing toxins from fat tissue, where many, many drugs and toxins from the past can lodge. I didn't buy it at first, then went back in a few days and bought the book. The fat flush involves running and sweating while taking vitamin and mineral nutrients. You can do it at Scientology Centers or on your own. The book is very interesting. It claims that drugs like LSD lie toxic in fat cells, then reactivate at various times and cause a toxic reaction (like an LSD trip) years after. ( I will be doing my own version of the full-body fat/lymphatic cleanse.
Right now I am a patient at the clinic
Kevin Trudeau goes to, Sierra Integrative Medical Center.