Most if any on this post are going to believe its in the bible! If its in black and white they still don't care.To them its not there! 1 Corinthians 6:9 they don't use our modern words but think about it, they don't use the word sex either but come together things like that. Unless you've studied word studies you might not know this. Its there but as I said regardless most if not all on this debate will not believe it. That's there choice though. Most here think I am a hateful uncaring person because I don't want to be gay or I dont' think its a good choice. The church isn't against gay people but yes They don't agree for obvious reasons to them. They wouldn't be very good at being a christian if they only accepted parts of the bible they want to! I am sure from what I've seen here no one will believe this is what it's saying in 1 Corinthians and I won't get into it any further. This does not include people who have done these things but have ask for forgiveness. If they ask for forgivness, then they are forgiven. I won't respond anymore to this because I know its going get wacked down with deceptive words, so subtle it is!! I am not here to change people. I can't even change myself but I think other opinions desire a fair shake too, especially on a debate. SO go ahead people twist my words, call me wrong whatever in the end if you look closely its only to justify your belief as well.