God doesn't condone homesexuality so that means Jesus doesn't either. It doesn't mean he doesn't love them but he made man for woman and woman for man. That was his plan. If its not his plan guess what its your or theirs. He won't bless no matter how much they love each other. According to God, Jesus His love is pure. That means the other is tainted no matter what they say or feel. Sorry but I know my word and that is not right! They have a right to choose that lifestyle, yes but to make it law is asking for trouble. I know what will happen. They will try to sue preachers cause they won't marry them and yep the preacher will end up in jail. Why? Cause this nation has lost its morals. Its not anything goes with God and when man chooses to go that route he will also pay the price. Sorry but I have to share my view too. No offense personally!