Re: judgement is gods right only. not yours.
strongwilled..join the club. hee hee
i have always prayed everyday of my life. i dont think there was a day that went by without it. my mom told me(i dont remember this) i would ask her questions on religion and god all the time when i was very little (i think she said three)
but anyway she would tell me to ask in my prayers. and i always had the correct answer. now..we had a big holy bible in the house that i couldnt even lift and i know at 3 years old i couldnt read the thing. haa haa. i did this so much she found it shocking. i personally find it great. i dont get visions. i dont know if i ever did. but i have always gotton "knowings" i still do. and anyone who is in my life..all the people around them that are hurtful get exposed for what they are. its really wierd. and sometimes hard because i have to be there for them through thier pain caused by others selfishness or hate. its hard to see someone in pain when you know you can just rinse it off them or whatever. i have had gay friends come out of the closet to me and their fam. abandoned them. and they lay bawling in my lap for hours. a couple people have. not just one. and thats why i dont think god would think badly of them for that. it causes so much pain in his children. they cry about how they dont know what to do. and these are lusty slutty people. all of them have been virgins. they just crumple on the floor like a child looking terrible because people around them hate them for it.
and i dont know why. but i can spot an evil person right on the spot. i do think some people are evil. its really wierd. because you start to think you are insane for thinking this person is evil...and then they turn out to be. it makes it really hard to look around at people. and the more i focus on it the more i see.
i dont think you are evil. i just think you need to study more. you have this belief because it is a common though given out of context in religions. i cant blame you for what other people lied to you about.