Re: where to direct prayer vs. where to direct real world resources
I totally hear you- especially in regards of focusing all our attention on one issue like abortion.
I dont agree with abortion- but then I also dont' agree with President Bush sneaking in a bill to kill all the wild Mustangs in Texas(which he is doing) as well as turing Alaska into a Warzone with oil drilling when money could be spent for alternative energy and all his rich friends in the car industries could start pushing out more hybrid cars for the "masses".
Seems they dont really want certain issues to be solved- If greed werent involved at all- there wouldnt even be an energy crisis.
Politicians play into this weakness of our human nature of being led by one issue- They use it to thier advantage to get elected- even if they dont really give a darn about abortion one way or the other personally.
I see corruption in both the liberal and the conservative extreems.
A balance is needed.
Christians need to have more discernement and wisdom. They mean well,but many are easily manipulated by the shrewd who know how to play with human nature and appeal to people's sentiments and influence their decisions.
To me, God isnt pleased with abortion- but neither is he pleased with bombing abortion clinics,nor disrespecting the environment,nor being indiffernt to those in need right in front of us- like those suffering from the Tsunami, or the Sudanese for example.
Many Christians are good hearted people but we all need to keep growing and being enlightened to all injustices..-- Don't care who you are --we all need to keep waking up to the reality around us.