update on B17/vit C IV treatment
Hi guys, just want to update any of you who know me on the results of my mums B17 and Vit C treatments.
We did a course of 5 weeks, 3 treatments per week of IV Vit C 50g per treatment(she couldnt tollerate 75g), and 9g per treatment of B17.
Throughout the treatment mum felt a bit better with a bit more energy (whether this was because she was off the chemo, we dont know). As she has osteoporosis she was still suffering with that though.
We finished the treatment first week in March and just had our blood results.
Oct 05 CA199 188 (started new chemo)
Dec 05 CA199 24 (reduced after chemo)
April 06 CA199 71 (so although we have done the alternative treatment it has increased again)
So we are very despondant at the moment, we had a lot of hope put on Vit C and B17 and we feel where do we turn now. Plus to add to this mum has lost weight and lost her appetite. Which seems wierd considering we have just done 5 weeks of Vit C and B17.
Any input is welcome.