my mom has breast cancer NEED HELP!!!!!
I have read
Kevin Trudeau books and all chinese medicine books...
i have also read all
Hulda Clark books...
My mom has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer...
But she has had the lump for the past 10 years....
She went to the doctors because of my DAD....
The Natural Doctor reccomended her to goto mammagram and breast surgeon..
The doctors diagnosed her as intermediate cancer...what does this mean??
Recently for the past 2 weeks
My mom has been doing the liver flush,
parasite cleanse, bowel cleanse....
My mom has been feeling great after the cleanses...
The doctor and other cancer specialist laugh and say its %¤#&!§-....
They want my MOM on Chemo immediately and also want her to have
Bone x-rays and liver x-rays, as well as cat scans all over the body
to make sure the cancer is not spreading...
My mom is about to drink the Barium Sulfate for the x-rays in a few days..
What degree of harm will this do to my MOM if she undergoes the x-ray with
barium sulfate...The doctors insist this... Is this procedure really necessary??
I believe that since my mom has undergone the cleanses she will be ok...
and that if she takes the x-rays and barium it will toxify her and cause the cancer to spread....
Please everyone state your opinions!!!!!
I need opinions, ADVICE, and HELP!!!!!
Is the barium good or bad??? x-rays good or bad????? Chemo good or bad???