Re: Dr. Budwig anti cancer ...
I have questions????
My father and our family follows the Dr. Budwig diet and the key is the mixing the flaxoil with a sulphur protein like CC or Kifer Milk"This has very good bacteria for you GI and your immune system" While my aunt a scientist had
Breast Cancer and went the surgery, chemo, radiation and wouldn't listen to good nutrition. Her hair fell out and her mole went away on her lip. Once the Chemo was done the hair started to come back along with the Mole! Moles being a certain type of cancer. What I am trying to say is that cancer cells will come back as she did have a friend with the same type of
Breast Cancer died 7 years later after doing chemo/radiation the cancer cells came back and her immune system was compromised.
Your mom has had this for some time and the body is doing alright so I would first go the organic route/supplement and she should do fine.
My dad did the Pet scan where they use
Sugar with radiaiton as cancer cells love sugar. Well his thyroid cells were gone and including the spots on the lungs which they don't know if it was lung tumors or not! This is after a 1-1/2 following the Dr. Budwig.
Read about Cliffbeckwith he had a friend with breast tumor the size of grapefruit 70 years old the nurse who was a friend said don't go through with Chemo at your age. Cliff told her about flaxoil/cc and with in 6 months the tumordecreased to a pea size.
But take your time and read through every approach on this site and others for info. Start to eat a lot of good organic raw foods in the mean time.