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Re: kathryn:plan for hawaii
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Re: kathryn:plan for hawaii


Here are my thoughts/input:

Juicing...there's NO SUCH THING as too much...or juice fasting for too long!

Cottage Cheese/flax...I've never researched it fully, but what I have read is wonderfully positive. Go for organic, always...and if at all possible, try to find raw/unpasteurized.

Aloe vera, okra pepsin, deep breathing and ph strips...all good things!

Hallelujah Acres Barley Greens vs. Schulze Superfood...NO COMPARISON!
--the Barley Greens/Max is great, but Schulzes Superfood blows it out of the water! Barley Max = Powdered juice from young, organically grown barley leaves and organically grown alfalfa.
--Superfood = (100% Organic / Wild Crafted) Spirulina Blue Green Algae, Chlorella, Alfalfa, Barley, and Wheat Grasses, Beet Root and Spinach Leaf, Nova Scotia Dulse, Lemon and Orange Peels, Rose Hips, NON-Active Saccharomyces Cervisiae Nutritional Yeast (safe for yeast free diets and Candida Albicans)

A full/total/thorough bowel/colon cleanse is a major must! The #1 key to all life is that you must be able to absorb nutrients (which you cannot do effectively with a thick layer of junk in your intestines) and you must be able to efficiently eliminate waste and toxins (which you cannot do with thick layer of junk in your intestines). Many MANY testimonies are out there about folks that have cured cancer simply by bowel cleansing, liver flushing, juice fasting and some variety of Superfood.
--If she's having diarrhea now, she can always start with the IF#2 and skip the IF#1 (the IF#1 is for getting you going if you're constipated, to stop you from getting constipated when using the IF#2 and/or for strengthening and exercising the musculature of your intestines) really don't need many, especially if double or triple dosing with the Superfood (which is strongly recommended) and juice fasting. I tend to agree with Kathryn here...alot of supplements at this point might be more than she can handle efficiently or properly and MUCH RESEARCH MUST BE DONE WHEN CHOOSING SUPPLEMENTS! The majority of them are created from imported herbs (which are FULL of pesticides and other toxins) and improperly processed. As far as Vitamin C flushing, it IS a good thing, but if it were me with cancer, I'd be hitting the juices, Superfood, colon cleansing and serious Liver Flushing and/or coffee enemas, seeing how that all affected my tests, and then considering it if I felt I needed it.
--A coffee enema is a mother-in-law that cured herself of Stage IV Liver Cancer did a coffee enema daily - I believe for several weeks, until she felt like she could do full liver flushes...and then continued the coffee enemas bi-weekly for several months) You can buy THE best coffee for enemas (and enema supplies) here:
The liver is SO important for cancer healing; make sure it gets proper attention :)

Of course, no 'table salt', only Sea/Himalayan Salt; no trans-fat or hydrogenated oils; hi-quality cayenne increases circulation to the max (and is especially important when a patient can't exercise).

It sounds to me like YOU are doing great AND you're doing great things!! Keep us informed and let us know what we can do to help :)

Huge blessings across the miles,


Of course, ditch EVERYTHING toxic; make sure water is pure


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