I'm so glad you're set to go to help your cousin. Your plans above sound really
On the Barley Green, etc...if she can handle it...it certainly won't hurt. It's
loaded with chlorophyll...and other great things. But she'll also be getting
lots of chlorophyll in her juicing. So don't push it and do too much to the point
she gets sick. I'm not very familiar with the other greens.
I'm not familiar with the Robert Gray products, either...but the Schultz cleanses
would be good. Diarrhea can be a sign of a congested colon...so cleansing is good.
You need to get all the toxins out that you can.
Beloved recommended a 5 to 7 day juice fast...I think that's a wonderful idea.
I'm not so sure about the liver cleanse right now or all those extra vitamins.
You don't want to make her sick... constantly swallowing water and pills, etc.
And this
juicing is going to do wonders...along with the things you mentioned
above. You just have to be your own judge. You'll be getting lots of advice from
others...and some of it "I" may not agree with...but this is "your" cousin...so
you have to do what you feel is right yourself. But even on the juice fast..I'd
do the supplements, flax and cottage cheese...and possibly the pineapple.
I wouldn't try to get too much extra water down her myself...but that's up to you,
I've been doing more reading on the flax oil/cottage cheese and I'd definitely
get deep into that with her. I was just reading more on it early this morning...
and here's the link...you just have to check this out!
Flax Oil and Cancer pt.1
He says scientists can cure cancer. "I know how, and I learned it from them." It is available from ... Of flaxseed oil, mixed in some crushed pineapple or frozen strawberries or honey and took it to ...
http://www.beckwithfamily.com/Flax1.html Cached page 1/3/2006
Also...someone talked about eating pineapple (fresh pineapple which should be very
easy to fine in HAWAII :-)...on and off all day long...so I researched that a bit
after I read the post...and was impressed...but never went back to it...so research
eating raw pineapple for cancer when you have time.
Also ACHIEVER...please realize that you seem to be dealing with multiple cancers
here...and one of them is multiple myeloma...and that's a toughie...so don't blame
yourself if this doesn't go the way you want it to. You are going way beyond the
call of duty here...and I'm hoping and praying for a total cure. Just do all the
things you mentioned above...and look in to the other things I mentioned...read
that long article on flax oil and cottage cheese by the Beckman family...and do
other research in to raw pineapple.
OH and when I mentioned things making her 'sick' above...I realize she is very, very
sick NOW...but I meant...you don't want to make her more nauseated by doing too much
too fast...
And I'd have her friend that's helping her now...go ahead and get her on the
cottage cheese and flax.
Keep us posted. kathryn