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Re: I will no longer help Allopathic followers!
Thorn Views: 2,124
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 337,273

Re: I will no longer help Allopathic followers!

I beleive that to be true! Im sure many have failed with holistic therapies, and I dont wonder why. The establishment fills one with so many lies and scare tactics that many never do get it right! Every time someone wants to try holistic therapies there is someone there to fill them with fear and deception intentionally or not!
I also beleive that many of them fail because they have been ravaged by allopathic cut burn and poison methods leaving thier immune systems beyond repair! We cant, even on this alternative health site get rid of the medical shills that insist on confusing the issue and interjecting time and time again! Yes our beloved shill ,you,
like a fly in the soup you try make holistic therapies seem unpallitable every chance you can!


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