Re: I will no longer help Allopathic followers!
Be silent and be thought a fool. Open your mouth and remove all doubt" Yes obviously! beloved1 !
I totally understand what 2tuff is saying ! Every decent practioner out there knows that allopathic death treatments negate holistic healing, no one is doing them a service by to trivialize this truism ! These holistic protocal are tough enough as it is without the stifling toxic treatments of the murderous allopaths! If one is to offer any sensible advice to any one in ill health one must above all else, do no harm, this is the only sensible path to to healing with any herb or supplements or other holistic approach, it is next to impossible with out letting the power of the body do what it does best by injecting toxins into the body and negating the bodies own ability to heal itself!
This type of contradicting treatment is one step forward and two steps back it is illogical and common sense is cast aside! One may have all kinds of reasons for this approach but its a fools game in the least and a death sentence in many cases!
Advicing people in these life and death situations should not be downscaled to a popularity contest! And if 2tuff has the courage to stick to his guns and not give into the preasures of name calling and belittling his honest forthright efforts who are to admonish that!
If you want pampering there are other places for that! Get real or get off your high horse, beloved one! 2tuffs decisions have nothing to do with you?