What I have to say!
There is a downside to 100% Hollistic methods and that is you cannot easily test yourself to see how well your doing in most cases. My mother knows someone who cured herself of a Stomach tumour 4.5" long just with Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and 2 enemas a week. This woman had to find a place in London and pay them for testing since the NHS wouldn't touch her anymore because she denyed DEATH treatment.
But please remember you cannot put all your faith in the MEDICAL MAFIA CARTEL's testing procedures. Just go and check out mammograms and you'll see the amount of false positives and how it can actually cause Cancer. Just look at the pathetic hiv tests and this will really show you how screwed up the MMC really is with its false science.
If your being really strict on your health protocol and its a powerful one then you should be doing fine. If you have a weak protocol and mess around then you could be in trouble. People need to understand exactly what their doing when tackling health and particular problems, especially life-threatening ones like Cancer. You need to understand that
juicing should be done with proper high priced Juicers such as Norwalk or other press methods. Too many make the usual mistake and get a normal pathetic juicer and destroy whats needed. They then claim
juicing was rubbish and didn't work etc. People need to understand timings in the protocol in order to not overlap treatments and void one or the other. Its like some take Ozone at the wrong times and it will oxidise another treatment. We are very complex creatures not simple Sony, Honda robots. When you get into alternative health properly you have to educate yourself properly. You will excell any doctor in knowledge when trained properly in nutrition etc. You become what a doctor should be and this means masses of knowledge. Its not a simple task and theres plenty of things that need to be followed CORRECTLY! Again too many make the mistake of thinking a zapper will cure cancer alone. You may be extremely lucky and a zapper might but in most cases this is pure hogwash. A zapper along with Blood Electrification, water, salt, nutrition, cleanses, exercise, herbs and Ozone now thats a different story! You may get rid of the cancer with
Essiac Tea alone or Kombucha. You stand a chance of curing your Cancer with them but thats only if its pollution based mostly with
Essiac Tea as the role of this tea is mostly removal of metals etc (slippery elm) and of course aiding the important GUT! Kombucha addresses Pollution but also Enymes, Vitamins, Acids and all important Probiotics so its a more all rounder.
Notice how a person who promotes Allopathic treatment trys to imply I'm a fool? All this does is show the people of this forum with intelligence and research skills who is the real idiot. Put my posts against anyones in this forum and many others and lets see who is a fool.