Never feel hopeless
I am so glad you responded. lease feel free to email me anytime. It is a great thing to be able to talk to others who are facing the same challenges. I know you do not always feel down and please don't feel like you lashed out at anyone. That is what this forum is about....stating what you are feeling.
Breast Cancer too often is about holding it all in and not expressing ourselves. I myself am learning to not try and be "super woman" all the time. It was obviously making me sick trying.
Which breast is your lump if you don't mind my asking? There is a theory that the left breast has to do with deep issues pertaining to men and the right breast with a woman (mother/mother in law etc) Just curious and maybe something for you to think about.
Oh, and by the are making progress in your health. You are alive and you are learning more and more everyday. It sounds like you have family and you are not in pain. Praise God for that. Don't hold back in what you do, do it overboard it is the aggressiveness in what you do that will get you better. Those on their deathbed never said I sure am glad I saved a few bucks and didn't try that herb, therapy etc. They never said...I am so glad I spent my days feeling pity instead of going to Disneyland/the beach etc.
I am here for you and God is only a prayer away....
You are a survivor, I can tell. Keep smiling and learn all you can from having breast cancer.