Re: Caution - Hospitalization - Understanding Consequences
I know this is an old message here, but this statement:
"Modern medicine was developed for a reason, because the older/traditional remedies weren't effective enough or couldn't cure...therefore people were in constant pain or died earlier than they should have."
is absolutely, positively FALSE. The only reason we use the ALLOPATHIC method is because the Rockafellers supported the research. It was purely political. Homeopathy was the leading source of medical treatment until the Rockafellers got involved. Then the Allopathic believers and supporters, got the government to certify ONLY their Schools and later made rules that if an Allopathic trained doctor used any other method of treatment (like natural, homeopathy or ANYTHING else) they they would lose their license to practice medicine. SOOOOO The ONLY REASON WE USE THE TYPE OF MEDICAL PRACTICE THAT WE USE TODAY IS POLITICAL!!! NOT because it was better, but because of money and power.
Many, many, many well researched books have been written about this. Please educate yourself before you make such statements.