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Re: Caution - Understanding Consequences

The Home Doctor
Practical Medicine for Every Household

Wormwood Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Liver
with a natural herbal detox

ebk777 Views: 46,071
Published: 21 y
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Re: Caution - Understanding Consequences

I think one has to understand the severity of a condition and the best way to correct it at each stage. It seems that your gallbladder was in very serious condition and only surgery could help.

It is wise to understand that every part of our body is important. The gallbladder concentrates bile to one tenth of it's original volume to enable digestive processes further down the line. Without this, you will now have to take very great care with your digestion for the rest of your life so you will not have more problems. I think I would try less drastic measures first, to retain my gallbladder. Perhaps a dissolving and softening protocol might have helped before trying a flush. Unfortunately we often discover these things as hindsite.

It may be worthwhile to keep in mind that stones can also form in the liver. Many people without gallbladders have passed hundreds of stones. It may be a more sobering experience to have to part with a liver.

Because I have had many serious health issues, I have struggled to find the answers too and tried many things as well. I used the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse and eliminated about 1000 gallstones, most in my first cleanse. I have done about 30 Liver Cleanses since and am only getting to the point where my liver is clear. In addition to this I have done parasite, kidney and Bowel Cleanse (mucoid plaque removal). Gallstones, kidney stones and mucoid plaque removeal are obvious signs of house housecleaning and are very beneficial for the body. Less obvious and more difficult to deal with are the toxins and heavy metals lodged in the tissues throughout the body. Once the body is cleared and has the resources to remove the tissue toxins a person can become very fatigued and the immune system seriously depressed if these toxins are not removed. Dr. Max Gerson during his treatment of critically people determined that coffee enemas stimulate the liver to aid in the removeal of the toxins while chemicals in the coffee carry it through the digestive tract. Without the coffee the toxins would continue to recirculate in the body causing major problems. The information is compiled most completely by his daughter Charlotte Gerson in 'The Gerson Therapy'.



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