22 y
How could he have done this to me?
When I was reading your story, I thought I was reading my own experience. Everything sounded famaliar, except I wasted more than 4 years on him. When I found his receipts of Valentine's gift, hotel stay, etc.. and asked him about them, he said that he had a female friend who just broke up and he bought her something to cheer her up. As for the hotel receipts, he lied that he went out with his male friends. The thing is, no matter how much you love him, care for him, support him, he can forget all those things when he is in the arm of another woman. I felt the same way, betrayed, and unwilling to accept how he treated me. He got mad at me for asking questions too. The thing is, he knows you are suspecting him and he feels guilty, so instead of blaming himself or admittig his mistakes, he is taking out his anger at you for not trusting him, interrogating him, nagging him, etc... I think the bottom line is as harsh as it sounds, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Yes, you are right, it's hard to leave him as it is hard for me to do. He's your best friend, lover, boyfriend, and although you are smart to be aware that you won't choose him as your husband, you don't have the heart to leave him now. I really feel sad for you because reading your story is like reading mine. When we can both finally leave those cheaters is when we find true happiness. For now.... please remind yourself to never ever marry him or trust him again until you find the strength to leave him for good. Don't waste your youth and your precious time with him. You are so young. Whenever you are with him, always remember that he is a cheater and your relationship will never be the same again no matter what he says, no matter how many times he apologizes. Just be thankful that you are lucky enough to find out the real him before you're married with kids with this guy.