Hi Invincible,
Yes The Clark Flush is the ES flush. Thanks for telling me that about the ES....I know it's hard on the kidneys and I know some people have flushed without ES so still not sure what to do. I'm only taking malic acid and I haven't done an enema for ages. Plus this cold's come back and not sure if you can flush with a cold! It's my own fault, been eating rye bread again which probably hasn't helped!
Those CDs do look good.....BTW what was your offer, did I miss something??? Did you send me an e-mail, I didn't get it!! Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean! I'm toying with buying a slimline polariser from Bioharmonics.com as they're supposed to increase your body's resistance to EM waves. I made a mistake about the Q link, it was the polariser that was recomended! Have to order from the US though, they're about $90 so not sure if I can afford the CDs aswell. You need a very well paid job to afford all these devices!
That's so weird about not reacting to the bonfire food...how do you feel today, still OK?
Have a nice weekend :)