Hi again!
Glad you're still feeling great, I hope it keeps up! You sound like you've really changed and those CDs are really keeping you balanced and super organised! It's so great when we find something that works AND you can eat cookies at the same time hehe :)
I've still not used my liquid chlorophyll so should really give that a go sometime in an enema as that sounds good too! I took some more of the Bupleurum plus yesterday and have been feeling like it's cleansing me emotionally as felt tearful and nostalgic about things yesterday. I'm feeling a bit better today...also every morning when I wake up my memory is better...I can remember what day it is and what I did yesterday!! It must be the Bup plus formula. I think it shows my liver needs a good old clearing out! I started on the malic acid again and hope to do a flush next Wed, if I don't chicken out lol!
I have to get down to studying today so we'll both have our heads in books!
Take care