Shelley if you have time (long)
Hi Shelley
First off thanks for your invaluable advice. Cannot say how much it has helped just having such a knowledgeable caring person available.
My problem is that I am kind of stuck
I started
Liver Flushing in July after reading
Hulda Clark 's book(s) At the beginning I was pretty healthy (I thought anyway) but quite ill after flushing bowel and
parasite cleanse. I think I overdid things as I followed my first flush with a commercial liver/bowel/intestinal things.
My symptoms were extreme fatigue and nausea at times plus was fuzzy brown stuff for over a month despite PB Shakes and enema etc.
At this point I joined a yahoo group and found curezone.
I am now at flush number 5 and am no longer as toxic I guess as my poop returned to normal about a week after flush number 4. Also I no longer get ill afterwards so that is good.
My biggest concerm is my thyroid as I have Hashimotos thyroiditis and am dealing with a doctor who feels that all forms of hypothyroidism are the same. So I am going to try to find a better Doctor.
My second problem is my weight. Before thyroid medication I was successfully losing about 5-8
pounds a month through sensible eating(as per your FAQ mainly) and excercise. Since taking the thyroxine I have gained two
pounds in two months. Also have been craving junk food and alcohol but have only succumbed twice so I don't think that is a big contributing factor. The annoying thing is that I did not have strong cravings before the thyroxine. Could of course be coincidental but I feel that my dose is possibly too low.
My digestion is very poor in the AM and I am by nature a nighttime eater but I am working on breaking the habit. If I have breakfast it is very hard for me to stay awake even with digestive enzymes and peppermint tea so I have developed the habit of going all day without eating. Not good I know but as a child I was beaten if I didn't have breakfast and ended up throwing it up on the way to school or during school so as you can imagine I have issues.
Anyway I am probably writing this to get it straight in my mind
before speaking to a different doctor etc. but I would certainly appreciate anty insight you have. I feel as if I am standing on the edge of the abyss of 54 years of bad habits and do not want to slide back in.
In closing I hope you are having some success dealing with your kidney problems. If anyone disserves radiant health it is you. I just love to see the picture of you smiling when I log onto your board.